sábado, 31 de agosto de 2019

English blog

Anderson sanchez

student of computer science at simon bolivar university, i live in barranquilla and , 19 years old

                                                       THE HUMAN LIGHTNING ROD 

Shenandoah National Park ranger, Roy Sullivan, holds the Guinness World Record for being struck by lightning more times than any other person.

In the time between 1942 and 1977, Roy was hit by lightning on SEVEN separate occasions and survived them all, gaining the nickname of the 'Human Lightning Rod'.

Roy soon started to believe that an otherworldly force was out to destroy him and developed a major fear of death. He might have had a point. On June 5, 1976, he was struck for the sixth time after trying to outrun a storm that he said was chasing him.

Roy committed suicide aged 71 over an unrequited love, but his legacy for lightning survival lives on.

According to statistics, the odds of being hit by lightning once in your lifetime are 10,000/1, making the odds of being hit seven times an unfathomable 1:1028 - that's one followed by 28 zeros!

i think that man spent the luck of his whole life in those incidents , you won't let me lie , another curiosity about this man , several weeks later a lightning strikes his grave

my coincidence 
when i was searching for a work , the day when i finally found a work interview the interviewer has the same name and clothes than i


a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like.

Don't Go Right Home After a Funeral
A Filipino tradition called "pagpag" dictates that people never go straight back to the house after a wake. Otherwise a bad spirit might tag along and come inside. Mourners will make a stop at a restaurant or store first just in case.

Itchy Hands Have Financial Repercussions
In Turkey, an itchy right hand means you'll come into some money but an itch on your left means you'll lose money.

Don't Get a Haircut on Tuesdays
Reconsider your #TransformationTuesday plans. Getting a haircut on a Tuesday in India will cause bad luck, based on legend.


i really don't think so that a superstition are true , the people who have had these experiences. they have witnessed a coincidence ,  in addition to being guided by the teachings of the oldest



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